
Retailers’ Conference

Register now to get inspiration from the biggest names in retail and beyond, experience breakthrough technology firsthand, forge partnerships that break you away from the pack and make a plan for action that not only sets you up for success but sets you apart from the others.

California – Kenya Virtual Trade Mission

Virtual - Zoom Virtual - Online

This event brings you powerful government representatives from the Government of Kenya and the State of California, USA. From California, we will have speakers from the Governors office, the Mayor of Los Angeles, the Mayor of the City of Long Beach, and the Congresswoman, Karen Bass, who is the Congressional Black Caucus leader in the […]

11th Annual Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference

The 11th Pan African Global Trade and Investment Conference will collaborate with the Center for African Peace and Conflict Resolution to develop and present strategic and sustainable approaches for conflict resolution in fragile and conflict-affected countries. ​ The conference will promote and support the use of trade, investment, and economic development for conflict resolution programs […]